Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Star Wars in 3D

It seems George Lucas is determined to ruin my childhood by again butchering the original Star Wars movies, buy retro-fitting 3D technology on them.

We all now know that this is an ongoing marketing strategy buy Lucas films to rip off the millions of Star Wars fans every few years. I guess the 3D cinema release will coincide with the Blu Ray release.

Too busy to blog is not an excuse!

Ok, so i have actually been busy, moving house, hosting house warming parties, rebuilding new house...but I have seen loads of movies as well. Inception, Batman: Under the Red Hood...(Both worth seeing, though you may already know that about Inception)

To keep things moving on my blog i'm going to continue to review movies but also give you nuggets on other things going on...So expect reviews and comments on Social Media, Music, Games, comic books...anything geeky that i'm into.

All coming soon..I hope!