It would be easy to call Green Zone, "Jason Bourne does Iraq!" But that would make a pithy and dismissive review.
It's true Green Zone is directed by Paul Greengrass and it stars Matt Damon. It's filmed in Greengrass' handheld and improvised style...but that's where the comparisons ends.
Damons' Staff Sergent Miller is a much more believable character, with a very real find those WMD's.
Miller isn't the unstoppable force like Jason Bourne and most importantly Miller is based in the real world, during a real event. At one point Damon/Miller even gets a swift beating from Jason Isaacs (Hello Jasons Isaacs) Special Forces operative.
This is a much easier film to watch that any of the Bourne movies, it rattles along nicely with an amazing 30 minute set piece finale, which would make any fan of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare put down there controller.
This is easily the best of the recent crop of Iraq war movies, including The Hurt Locker.
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