Friday, 1 October 2010

Kick-Ass BluRay

As I slow crawl to decrepitude and leave the house less and less, it becomes easy just to watch movies from my arm chair...
So Kick-Ass on Blu-Ray. Another comic book conversion from comic book writer Mark Millar (him that wrote Wanted). Like a lot of Millars work it twists the usual conventions of comic book story telling but at the same time following ever comic book hero that has ever been written.
The story is set in a relatively believable world, where masked avengers don't exist...but why not? why doesn't someone put on a ski mask and....Kick-Ass?
That's what Dave Lizewski (Aaron Johnson) decides to do...and becomes the title character. Along the way he is joined by Hit Girl and Big Daddy and Father and daughter team of crime fighters.
Without spoiling can see the ending coming a mile off, but it is a comic book movie after all!
The quality of the movie is great in HD and the Blu-Ray has all the usual features, Directors commentary, making off...but nothing special, no BD-Live feature for example.

Movie rating: 6.5/10

Blu-Ray rating: 5/10

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I give this blog a 6.5