Monday, 10 August 2009

Start Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan

Welcome to a world where a personal communicator is the size of your fist, you can still beat up guys even though you're wearing a girdle and where a sun can shine even though it’s in an underground cave! Welcome to Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

Its generally understood the original cast Start Trek movies aren't great but the goods are always even in the sequence...that makes no 2 a good one (though I’m actually a fan of Star Trek The Motion Picture and for my sins and can chuckle at Start Trek 4: The Voyage Home....the one with the Whales!)

Back to Wrath of Khan...

Had a few friends round on Saturday night and after a few beers/ales we decided to give the BluRay of Star Trek 2 a go.

As far as Sci Fi movies go it’s got it all...Starships, aliens, comedic intervals, drama and Moby Dick quoting bad guy with a huge chest but a face like old shoe leather.

Ricardo Montalban chews up the screen and doesn't really leave much room for anyone else...he has all the cool lines.

The story is simple (well what else would it be). Kirk left Khan on a deserted plant back in the original TV series. Khan etal, escape the planet and seek revenge against Kirk. Khan gets his hands on a super weapon able to destroy and create worlds...though we never find out what he intends to do with it. Never mind.

The BluRay version doesn't really add much to the quality of the pre-dates digital sound doesn't really benefit from being in a digital format. It has tons of many to list.

I remember seeing Wrath of Khan at the cinema when i was a kid and that’s obviously where my love for it started.

If you have recently seen the re-imagined Start Trek, why not go back to 1982 and see a SciFi classic.



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